
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How to use Instagram to your advantage!

The last post I did about instagram only really covered how to use the actually program, but not how to make it work for you. Today I'd like to go over how to make it work in your favour. 

First things first: Build a community! 
So there are a few different ways to have people discover your account. First off all, make sure you include it in your facebook page, website, etc by saying follow me on instagram "@instagramnamehere". Remember to put that "@" symbol in front of your username when sharing your account information. 

Next, tag your photos! You'll quickly learn over time some of the tags that are specific to your line of work but you can always start with the basics. For example if you are showing off a piece of art you just finished of a landscape you could tag it: #painting #landscape #watercolour #art. Remember to put the "#" symbol in front of the word. 

(this is a great example because if you look at the image she took, it's a great example of the kinds of things to post! She makes adorable cards and is in the process of photographing them as well as giving you an update on what she's doing for her site / business! )

Now that you've tagged things, search similar tags and start following, and liking images from those who post similar things, or an interest in those things. 

From here click on the section and scroll through the images. Like the ones you like, find out who took them, and maybe even start following them! That's how to get discovered by fellow art lovers, designers, vintage enthusiasts, etc! 

You can also look up all of those shops, people, designers, artists and they will likely have their instagram name somewhere for you to find so you can search them and start following them! 

This is what it will look like when you search someone. Just click on the one that you think is correct and start following them. Sometimes liking a few of their images will also catch their attention and may start following you in return! 

Another thing to know, is that you will get notifications every time you sign online and someone has either "liked", commented, or started following you! How to check this is by clicking on the heart 2nd to the right and it will show up with a scroll bar. Try to respond to the people that comment on your things. Especially if they are asking a question or giving a compliment! You can do so by responding with @whoevercommented and then type your message. That way it tags them to know they have been replied to! 

Instagram is also a great place for "promotions", "special codes", and off sales. If you are having a sale then create a picture with all of the information and post it! Share it with all of your followers! 

This is a great example of letting your followers know you're having a sale! 

Now, I've given you a lot of information so far, but one last thing! Here is a list of free and super cheap editing apps to help with your photos!! Sometimes it's worth paying the $1-$2 to get the updated versions for more options. 

The first app being "PicStitch" which is either free for some collages, or $0.99 for a huge variety! I personally enjoy having a huge variety of options but it may not be necessary for you!
Pic Stitch provides a collage like square so that you can show off multiple items / pictures at once! This is useful when you want to show off detail shots of a new painting, an outfit post of new items, etc. 

The next app I enjoy is "over" or "overgram". Overgram is the free version but it will say "overgram" on top of all of your images. If you download the paid version which is $1.99 you will avoid having "overgram" written on top of your photos. 
This app is useful when you need to give you followers information that they might over look if it's written below an image. For example if you're having a sale. You can either just write SALE or you can have more information like the image a few above. 

Lastly, I love this app for editing: Afterlight! Now this app is $0.99 but it's very worth it. It's basically a mini photoshop for your phone. It has so many options to make your photo look more professional.
My favourite feature to this app really is that I can post full length images without having to make them into a square by adding white on either side. This is useful when you have a full image shot that really doesn't look good cropped into a square!! 

So this is it for now, but I will keep doing quick little updates when I learn more, as well as when I discover more free / affordable apps! 

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